#include-once #include "corz_essentials.au3" #include "corz_gui_fx.au3" #cs handy tricks and tips system.. by cor @ corz.org This began life inside the color pickin chooser, but I soon realized it was too useful to be hidden away in there, and ripped it out into its own file, so it can be included in other apps, even yours. It's mainly designed for small tools, things with compact GUI's, and slides out of the bottom of them, with helpful information. Usage.. First, include the tips system.. #include You will then need to setup the location of the tips file in your parent application. Maybe a wee section something like this.. FileInstall("I:\work\dev\my app\tips.txt", $user_data_folder & "\tips.txt", 0) $tips = $user_data_folder & "\tips.txt" You will also want to check the "no_tips" flag in your application. If the user checks the "no more tips" box, this will be set to 1 ($GUI_CHECKED), though the user may have manually set this to something else, of course. global $no_tips = IniReadCheckboxValue($ini_path, $my_ini_section, "no_tips", $GUI_UNCHECKED) (you can call the variable whatever you like, it's purely for your own app's use, though the ini value must remain "no_tips", so the tip system can use it) As the tips system is designed to run at an application's startup, obviously the user will find it annoying if the tips pop up unwanted, so you can check this ini flag before calling the tips system. If it's 1, don't call 'em. There's a checkbox inside the tip GUI enabling the user to set this, though it's up to you to check the ini flag before calling the tips at startup, maybe like this (after your main GUI has appeared).. if $no_tips = $GUI_UNCHECKED then ShowTips() endif Then, to see the tips, do.. corz_TipsSystem(tips file, gui handle, ini path, ini section, name [, height [, width [, funcion [,tweak x [, tweak y [, overap]]]]]]) tips file = String full path to the tips file PC (CRLF) format with multiple line-breaks between entries. use unix "\n" to add linebreaks inside the entries themselves gui handle = Control ID The handle (a control ID) of the parent application's main GUI. (or the GUI you would like to attach the tips to) ini path = String The ini file to read and write tips preferences to and from. This will generally be your main preferences ini though you can make one just for tips, if you like. ini section = String The name of the ini section to write to. It's okay to use your app's main prefs section, or you may want to create a section just for tips. name = String A name for your tips, e.g. "funky ass tips". If the user dumps all the tips to a file, this will be inserted. height [optional] = Integer Specify the height of the tips window. Defaults to 156 pixels. width [optional] = Integer Specify the width of the tips window. Defaults to the same width as the parent app Anything less than 380 pixels will cause button overlapping funcion [optional] = String {name of function} The name of a functions you would like to perform periodically. (defaults to an empty string, and performs no function) If your application has any time-dependant activities, you can send the name of a function you would like called. The function will be called around ten times a second. corz clock uses this facility to keep itself updated, and give the vague appearance of multi-threading. tweak x [optional] = Integer (defaults to 0 (zero)) Nudge the tips window along the X plane by this many pixels. You can use this for fine adjustment of the window position. Negative values are allowed. Note: These nudge values are added *before* the tips system has done any off-screen compensation calculations. See notes (below). Leave blank "", or set to zero to get the default. tweak y [optional] = Integer (defaults to 0 (zero)) Nudge the tips window along the Y plane by this many pixels. etc. position [optional] = string (defaults to false) settings: "center" or "centre" The tips system window will Ignore all X & Y settings and centre the window on the user's screen. "left" The tips will slide out of the left hand side of the parent GUI. If this results in the tips being positioned off-screen either to the left or right, the tips system will compensate. "right" The tips will slide out of the right hand side of the parent GUI. Compensation as "left". "top" The tips slide out of the bootm of the main GUI. "overlap" Ignore X & Y settings and error checking, and place the tips directly over the main GUI. Nudge values will be honoured. If overlap is set to true, the tips system will bypass all the usual size and position checking routines and place the tips directly on top of the specified parent GUI. Caution: If the parent GUI is smaller than the tips, and is in the bottom-right of the user's desktop, the tips would be positioned partly off-screen. Notes: The tips system is designed to run at your application's launch. If the user switches this off, the tips system will tell the user that they can hold down the SHIFT key at launch to re-enable the tips, or hit F1 for tips at any time. Onviously you will have to code these things into your application, or else change the message to something else. Check out the color pickin chooser for usage examples. The tips window will usually slide out the bottom of your parent application's specified GUI, unless they have it at the bottom of the screen, in which case it will slide out of the top. If you are tweaking the x & y values, those tweaks will be added *before* this has happened. You can query the $tips_live boolean variable at any time, to check if the tips system is currently running (true if running). #ce ; you can query this variable at any time (true if tips are running).. global $tips_live = false ; tips and tricks.. func corz_TipsSystem($ts_file, $parent, $ts_path, $ts_sect, $ts_name, $ts_h="", $ts_w="", $ts_func="", $ts_tx=0, $ts_ty=0, $ts_pos="") if $tips_live then return if not $ts_file or not $parent or not $ts_path or not $ts_sect or not $ts_name then return global $tips_array = corz_GrabTips($ts_file) if $tips_array = 0 then global $tips_array[3] = [2, "no tips available", "sorree"] global $tips_ini_path = $ts_path global $tips_ini_section = $ts_sect global $tips_name = $ts_name global $do_func = $ts_func local $last_coord_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", 1) local $last_event_mode = AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) local $corz_no_tips = IniReadCheckboxValue($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "no_tips", $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; you might get off with not disabling your parent window, as they say, ymmv. GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $parent) global $tips_count = IniRead($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "tips_count", 0) $tips_count += 1 ; always start with the *next* trick if $tips_count < 1 or $tips_count >= $tips_array[0] then $tips_count = 1 $parent_size = WinGetPos($parent) if not $ts_w then $ts_w = $parent_size[2] - 8 ; width - 8, I'm guessing this is borders if not $ts_h then $ts_h = 156 $ts_x = $parent_size[0] ; x $ts_y = $parent_size[1] + $parent_size[3] ; y + height $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Top" ; by default we slide out of the bottom of the app's gui, from the top down ("Slide Top"). $check_x = true $check_y = true $do_nudge = true switch $ts_pos case "left" $ts_y = $parent_size[1] $ts_x -= $ts_w + 8 $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Right" case "right" $ts_y = $parent_size[1] ; y $ts_x += $parent_size[2] ; parent width $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Left" case "center", "centre" ; (I actually prefer the US spelling) $ts_y = -1 $ts_x = -1 $check_x = false $check_y = false $do_nudge = false $tips_gui_fx = "Explode" case "top" $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Bottom" $ts_y = $parent_size[1] - $ts_h - 24 $do_nudge = false case "overlap" $ts_y = $parent_size[1] ; y case else ; defaults already set to "bottom" endswitch ; nudge tweaks.. if $do_nudge then $ts_x += $ts_tx $ts_y += $ts_ty endif ; positional error checking.. if $check_x then if $ts_x > @DesktopWidth - $ts_w then $ts_x = @DesktopWidth - $ts_w - 4 if $ts_x < 0 then $ts_x = 0 endif if $check_y then if $ts_y > @DesktopHeight - $ts_h - 24 then switch $ts_pos case "left", "right" $ts_y = @DesktopHeight - $ts_h - 24 case "bottom" continuecase case else $ts_y = $parent_size[1] - $ts_h - 24 $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Bottom" endswitch elseif $ts_y < 0 then switch $ts_pos case "left", "right" $ts_y = 0 case "bottom" continuecase case else $ts_y = $parent_size[1] + $parent_size[3] ; y + height $tips_gui_fx = "Slide Top" endswitch endif endif global $gui_tips = GUICreate(" " & $tips_name & "..", $ts_w, $ts_h, $ts_x, $ts_y + $ts_ty, _ BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_SIZEBOX), $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, $parent) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "corz_DoneTips", $gui_tips) HotKeySet("{ESC}","corz_EscDoneTips") HotKeySet("{PGUP}","corz_PgUpPreviousTip") HotKeySet("{PGDN}","corz_PgDnNextTip") $edit_tricks = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 5, 5 , $ts_w-10, $ts_h-30, _ BitOr($ES_MULTILINE, $WS_VSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $tips_array[$tips_count]) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) $butt_copy_tip = GUICtrlCreateButton("copy tip", 5, $ts_h-20, 50, 18) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_CopyTip") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " copy the current tip to the clipboard ") $butt_dump_tip = GUICtrlCreateButton("dump to a file", 57, $ts_h-20, 70, 18) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_DumpTips") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " dump all the tips to a plain text file") $check_no_more_tips = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("no startup tips", 137, $ts_h-22) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKLEFT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " check this box to turn off the tips at startup ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $corz_no_tips) $butt_first_tip = GUICtrlCreateButton("|<<", $ts_w-157, $ts_h-22, 28, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_FirstTip") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " back to the first tip ") $butt_previous_tip = GUICtrlCreateButton("<<", $ts_w-127, $ts_h-22, 38, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_PreviousTip") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " show the previous tip.. [Page UP] ") $butt_next_tip = GUICtrlCreateButton(">>", $ts_w-87, $ts_h-22, 38, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_NextTip") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " show the next tip.. [Page DOWN] ") $butt_donetips = GUICtrlCreateButton("done!", $ts_w-42, $ts_h-22, 37, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "corz_DoneTips") GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKRIGHT+$GUI_DOCKBOTTOM+$GUI_DOCKWIDTH+$GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, " close the tips.. [Esc]" ) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DefButton) $tips_live = true corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui_tips, $tips_gui_fx) GUICtrlSetState($edit_tricks, $GUI_FOCUS) ; prevents Select-All of tips text WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 1) WinSetTitle($gui_tips, default, " " & $tips_name & " [" & $tips_count & " of " & $tips_array[0] & "]" & "..") $current_count = $tips_count $funcount = 0 while $tips_live if $current_count <> $tips_count then $current_count = $tips_count GUICtrlSetData($edit_tricks, $tips_array[$tips_count]) WinSetTitle($gui_tips, default, " " & $tips_name & " [" & $tips_count & " of " & $tips_array[0] & "]" & "..") endif if $do_func <> "" and $funcount >= 4 then Call($do_func) $funcount = 0 endif $funcount += 1 Sleep(25) wend HotKeySet("{ESC}") HotKeySet("{PGUP}") HotKeySet("{PGDN}") $corz_no_tips = GUICtrlRead($check_no_more_tips) IniWriteCheckBoxValue($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "no_tips", $corz_no_tips) IniWrite($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "tips_count", $tips_count) $seen_tips_warning = IniRead($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "seen_tips_warning", 0) if $corz_no_tips = 1 and $seen_tips_warning = 0 then WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 0) MsgBox(64+8192, "No More Tips For You!", "To enable startup tips again, hold down the SHIFT key at launch. " & @CRLF & _ "If you want the tips back at any time, hit F1.", 60, $parent) IniWrite($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "seen_tips_warning", 1) endif AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", $last_event_mode) AutoItSetOption("GUICoordMode", $last_coord_mode) corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui_tips, $tips_gui_fx) ;GUISwitch($parent) ; magic, and more magic *sigh* WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 0) GUIDelete($gui_tips) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $parent) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $parent) ; essential, if you want the calling app to work correctly WinActivate($parent) ;just sounds powerful endfunc func corz_CopyTip() ClipPut($tips_array[$tips_count]) endfunc func corz_DumpTips() WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 0) $save_to = IniRead($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "save_tips", @DesktopDir) $save_file = FileSaveDialog( "Dump ALL the tips to a text file..", $save_to, "text files (*.txt)" , 16 , $tips_name & ".txt") if $save_file = "" then WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 1) return endif IniWrite($tips_ini_path, $tips_ini_section, "save_tips", GetParent($save_file)) $dump_string = $tips_name & ".." & @CRLF & @CRLF for $i = 1 to $tips_array[0]-1 $dump_string &= "Tip " & $i & ".." & @CRLF & $tips_array[$i] & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF next $dump_string &= ".." & @CRLF & "end of " & $tips_name & @CRLF $save_file = FileOpen($save_file, 2) FileWrite($save_file, $dump_string) FileClose($save_file) WinSetOnTop($gui_tips, "", 1) endfunc func corz_FirstTip() $tips_count = 1 endfunc func corz_PgUpPreviousTip() if WinActive($gui_tips) then corz_PreviousTip() else HotKeyset("{PGUP}") Send("{PGUP}") HotKeySet("{PGUP}","corz_PgUpPreviousTip") endif endfunc func corz_PreviousTip() $tips_count -= 1 if $tips_count < 1 then $tips_count = $tips_array[0] endfunc func corz_PgDnNextTip() if WinActive($gui_tips) then corz_NextTip() else HotKeyset("{PGDN}") Send("{PGDN}") HotKeySet("{PGDN}","corz_PgDnNextTip") endif endfunc func corz_NextTip() if not WinActive($gui_tips) then return $tips_count += 1 ;ConsoleWrite("tips_array[0]: " & $tips_array[0] & @LF) ;ConsoleWrite("tips_count: " & $tips_count & @LF) if $tips_count > $tips_array[0] then $tips_count = 1 endfunc func corz_EscDoneTips() if WinActive($gui_tips) then corz_DoneTips() else HotKeyset("{ESC}") Send("{ESC}") HotKeySet("{ESC}","corz_EscDoneTips") endif endfunc func corz_DoneTips() $tips_live = false endfunc ; kinda _FileReadToArray func corz_GrabTips($file) $corz_tipsfile = FileOpen($file, 0) if $corz_tipsfile = -1 then return 0 $tmp_tricks = StringSplit(StringStripCR(FileRead($corz_tipsfile, FileGetSize($file))), @CRLF) FileClose($corz_tipsfile) ; I like double carriage returns between entries in my tips file, more readable, editable, so.. $tmp_str = "" for $i = 1 to $tmp_tricks[0] if $tmp_tricks[$i] <> "" and StringLeft($tmp_tricks[$i], 1) <> ";" then $tmp_tricks[$i] = StringReplace($tmp_tricks[$i], '\n', @CRLF) $tmp_str &= $tmp_tricks[$i] & "|" endif next $tmp_str = StringTrimRight($tmp_str, 1) return StringSplit($tmp_str, "|") endfunc